Naturally Balanced Veterinary, LLC
Phone: (920) 737-9605
Liz is in the office: Monday 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11 am - 4 pm
We are not available after hours or on an emergency basis.
If you have an issue that arises outside of our normal business hours please contact your primary care veterinarian or the emergency clinic of your choice. If you do not hear back from us by the end of the next business day, please call the office: 920-737-9605, we have had incidents where emails from the website do not go through. Thank you! **As of 2021 we are an equine only practice. We no longer see small animal (dog & cat) patients. Please reach out to the office with any questions or for help with a referral to another practitioner.** Send NBVS an email!