What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient treatment method, originally used in China, as part of a complete health care system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM is based on the idea there is Vital Life Energy or Qi (pronounced chee) flowing on and within the body. The ancient Chinese discovered that the health of the body directly mirrored the state of the body’s Qi. Vibrant free flowing Qi allows for health, but blocked or worn down Qi allows for disease.
Qi flows throughout the body on pathways called meridians, making a complete revolution every 24 hours. Along these meridians, are special points (called acupuncture points) where the Qi gathers. During acupuncture treatment needles are inserted into the acupuncture points, to restore an appropriate balance to the Qi and thus create a desired healing effect.
From a Western Medicine standpoint, acupuncture works because the needles stimulate the brain via nerves causing the release of certain chemicals and neurotransmitters (like endorphins, cortisol & serotonin) which are thought to be responsible for the healing effect seen. What can Acupuncture be used to treat: Because TCM is a whole health care system it can be used to treat nearly any disease or illness. Ailments commonly treated with acupuncture include:
Veterinary Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments are not meant to replace traditional veterinary medicine and instead work best when integrated with it.