After Your Visit
What to expect after a chiropractic (VSMT) or acupuncture appointment:
Most horses experience an immediate improvement in their mobility and pain after treatment, and are pretty happy about it. Some patients appear quiet, even tired, after their appointment and will sleep more that first day. In very rare cases, some horses will appear sore after an adjustment or acupuncture. The soreness is short lived, and they are usually very comfortable within 24 hours. Does my animal need to be seen again? Most horses show visible improvement after the first treatment however some may require several treatments to reach that level of improvement. Initially, it is common to have three adjustments scheduled more closely together to gain a good understanding of the patient’s response and improvement. Acute problems (that have recently developed) often respond quickly to treatments, while chronic problems usually require more extensive treatments. The interval length between treatments is dependent upon how your horse feels, what disease processes they may have going on, what their lifestyle is like, and how their body responds to an adjustment. |